About Us

This is us during our 1st annual podcast retreat in DTLA in 2019.
Before we were a podcast club, and just a bunch of babies in 2004 (ironically this photo was taken before we were going out “clubbing” in Hollywood)

We are a group of ladies in 4 different cities that wanted to keep in touch, so we started a @marcopolo group chat.  Quickly, we started running out of thought provoking topics to discuss. Too busy to take a stab at a book club, we decided to use podcasts as the base layer of conversation, while keeping each other abreast on what’s going on in our everyday lives. This platform has really strengthened our friendship (and we’re basically smarter thanks to our deep discussions), so we wanted to share this experience with others. We all have vastly different interests and likes (sci-fi vs. love stories, pirates vs. puppies), but we all love a good true crime story!